Saturday, July 31, 2010

Brother George sparked an ah ha moment

As if I weren't depressed enough Brother George sent me this article that articulates my feelings on:

  • fear that my grandchildren will inherit a badly damaged Earth

  • grief over the gulf oil spill

  • seemingly never ending bad news from the economy coupled with the growing debt

  • A nearly complete abdication by MSM to perform their most important function

  • realization that government is totally inept

This compressive deflationary collapse is not the kind of cyclical "downturn" that we are familiar with during the two-hundred-year-long adventure with industrial expansion - that is, the kind of cyclical downturn caused by the usual exhalations of markets attempting to adjust the flows of supply and demand. This is a structural implosion of markets that have been functionally destroyed by pervasive fraud and swindling in the absence of real productive activity.
The most confused of any putative authorities are the academic economists, lost in the wilderness of their models and equations and their quaint expectations of the way things ought to go if you can tweak numbers. These are the people who believe with the faith of little children that if you can measure anything you can control it. They will go down in history as the greatest convocation of clowns ever assembled, surpassing all the collected alchemists, priests, and vizeers employed in the 1500 years following the fall of Rome.

I suddenly realized we're not getting out of this! There isn't any way out of it, never was, and we're fooling ourselves to think we will invent ourselves an escape.It's like watching an asteroid striking the earth in very slow motion.

1 comment:

  1. like watching an asteroid striking the earth in very slow motion.

    JH Kunstler wrote a book years ago called 'The Long Emergency'.

    As dire as this is it just rings true for me. And guess what- a bunch of the same kind of idiots that got us in this mess are probably going to get elected soon. Because of the other deficit- in the minds of american voters.
